It’s a Flop Friday, Vintage Flop

Sooooo . . . this dress.


It has a history.  In 2014, My family grew a bit.  I was suddenly the mom to five instead of three.  Being the slightly crazy lady I am, I decided that going an a month long road trip 3000 plus miles, by myself, with said five children was a wise plan.  My husband just shook his head, knowing it was dumb and yet knowing talking me out of things just isn’t worth it at times.  So I did it.  I drove 3000 miles with my kids, solo parented for a month and successfully drained my emotional and parenting tank to empty.

As I attempted to refill and reconnect with my weary self, I pulled out the sewing machine.  It had long been in retirement but the two of us reunited in the attempt to return my sanity.

After two window treatment projects I decided I’d attempt this dress.  I diligently searched for what I thought would be the perfect fabric.  I carefully and meticulously cut it out and then . . . my upstairs bathroom flooded dirty water in my kitchen, my husband announced our next relocation to a state 20 some hours by car from our house, I threw a grad party for my oldest while seeing to the house repairs, listing a house and moving.  The dress found itself in a box on it’s way cross country, still in pieces.

After I found some footing in my new state, I proceeded to emancipate my poor dress from the box it had been exiled to.  Joyful, I started sewing . . .

The good news . . . it’s done.  It’s been a learning experience.  Bad news . . .


It just didn’t turn out.  So many issues, where to begin?

I didn’t do the pleats.  It was just not working out and the pattern I picked in retrospect was above my pay grade.  I needed way more practice and I attempted to taylor it as I went.  Pretty sure that was a huge mistake.



So I took out the insert part to see if the dress could be salvageable . . .



Um . . . still a no.  It’s not comfortable.  It’s rather busty looking.  It’s just a no.  But ever the optimists, I searched my closet for the accessory that would save it from certain doom.  A belt.


That would still be a big no.  I know what you are thinking, it’s fine.  But I have so many other dresses that I love that I simply will never wear this.  It was a learning experience that is still taking up space in my closet.  I may try to reimagine it into something else but overall, it’s a Flop!

I wish I could say Flop Friday is coming to an end but I’ll have another one for you next month and I’m fairly certain more in the months to come.


    1. I appreciate the suggestion but I think my mistake was tailoring it as I went. I think I would try the pattern from scratch again someday and see if I could fix my mistakes. I love the pattern but the double neckline is tricky for sure! Thanks!

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